Svelte Carbonads - 4/5/Runes

Carbonads for SvelteKit #

Carbonads is an advertising network aimed at developers and designers. Once you get the advertisement code, you can use quickly set up the ads in your SvelteKit project.

Docs/Repo #

Installation #

Find out the latest versions for v1 and v2 at the GitHub Releases page.

Svelte 5:Runes #

After updating the svelte.config.js, install version 2.x.x:

pnpm i -D svelte-carbonads@2.0.0-next.x

Svelte 4/5 #

pnpm i -D svelte-carbonads@1.x.x

Usage #

  import { Carbonads } from 'svelte-carbonads`

<Carbonads carbonSrc='your-carbonads-code' adclass='my-class-this-and-that' />